Workshop of the World

stories of industry in & around Philadelphia

The Bedford Fast Black Dye Company, before 1902
1909 East Hagert Street, Philadelphia PA 19125
(north side between Jasper Street and Emerald Street)

© Carmen A. Weber, Irving Kosmin, and Muriel Kirkpatrick, Workshop of the World (Oliver Evans Press, 1990).

This heavily altered structure housed the Bedford Fast Black Dye Company in 1902. 1  By 1922, a machine works occupied the site. 2

1   Hexamer and Son, 1902
2   Bromley, 1922

Update May 2007 (by Torben Jenk):
Now used by CAVCO, a manufacturer of vinyl windows and steel doors since 1972. Now run by the second generation. CAVCO also uses all the buildings on the block east to Emerald Street, including the Emsley.